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Smart Snacking

by Tara Collingwood

Snacking between meals is essential for a healthy metabolism and to give you the energy needed to log those miles. A healthy snack will keep you from being so hungry that you end up stuffing your face at your next meal. Choose snacks that have a combination of protein, carbohydrates and fiber. Fiber and protein will keep you fuller, longer while complex carbohydrates will give you sustained energy so you don’t hit that mid-day slump. 

You may be tempted to think snacking can lead to weight gain, but if done right it can have many benefits including weight loss! Snacks aren’t meant to fill you up and are typically around 100-300 calories, depending on where you are at in your training. Incorporate 2-3 snacks into your day to fuel your running and perform your best! For endurance during your run, have a snack about an hour or so before so you can have an extra boost of energy and avoid the feeling of extreme fatigue. 

Smart Snacks for Runners

Steer clear of high-fat snacks like greasy potato chips or candy bar, because they will weigh you down and make you feel sluggish instead of energized. Choose snacks that are low in fat and added sugars, and to properly fuel your body until your next meal, choose snacks with protein and carbs. Here are some of my favorite snacks to fuel up with!

  • Fruits and string cheese
  • Peanut butter and whole grain crackers
  • Nuts/Seeds
  • Carrots and hummus
  • Protein fruit/veggie smoothie
  • Greek yogurt and granola
  • Dried fruits
  • Oatmeal with walnuts
  • Turkey sandwich
  • Cottage cheese with fruit
  • Almond butter on a whole grain English muffin

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